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Nobody puts baby in the corner! Make the most of your balcony furniture all year round

Up north, we've always been able to count on the seasons changing. And when the temperatures start to drop, we pack away the outdoor furniture and move indoors where we spend time nesting until spring arrives.

Our Freja chair is a stylish winner that works well for both relaxing outside and working inside. The chair is designed in lightweight materials that make it easy to move around and maintain. At @malene.baekgaard, it works well for working at the desk. The chair can also be used as an elegant dining chair.


But just because you're moving indoors doesn't mean your balcony furniture has to stay out in the cold. Our mission is for our furniture to have a continuous purpose all year round. That's why practicality and aesthetics go hand in hand to ensure that our furniture can be used no matter where we are on the yearly cycle. That's why our motto for our in-house brand Balcony Living Cph is:

Practical enough for the outdoors – Pretty enough for the indoors!

Der Bambushocker von Madam Stoltz eignet sich sowohl als Tisch für drinnen als auch für draußen, wenn es kälter wird. Schauen Sie sich nur @malene.baekgaard an, wo er im Winter einen schönen Platz im Wohnzimmer bekommen hat.

Our range of bamboo furniture, including the Bille Bamboo cafe set, is ideal for creating a more exotic atmosphere on your balcony. But why not bring it indoors? For example, use our Signe bamboo ladder for creative storage in either the living room or kitchen. Or create a cozy corner in your living room with our Beate lounge sofa.


Much of our design is crafted in lightweight and stylish materials, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. At the same time, you get the most out of your products from us, when they can be used all year around which is also our mission.

Get inspiration below on how to stylishly integrate your balcony furniture into your interior. Here you also see a collaboration with @malene.baekgaard, who have creatively used our products inside.

Have fun!