
General Information
When shopping at the company you order from is:

Balcony Living Cph ApS
Tax number: DK34710260
Store in Copenhagen: Godthåbsvej 11, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Warehouse: Lunikvej 2A, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark 
Telephone: +45 25631040

What do we do with your personal data (Privacy Policy)?

We need the following information for you to be able to place an order at

Telephone no.
E-mail address

We record your personal data for the purpose of delivering your order to you.

Personal data is recorded at (Balconyliving Cph ApS) and kept for five years, after which the data is deleted.

When personal data is collected via our website, we ensure that it is always done with your explicit consent, so that you are informed about exactly what data is being collected and why.

The company’s management has access to the data recorded about you.

The Data Controller at is Hans Kristensen, Telephone: +45 40592800.

We do not encrypt customer data we store.
We do not encrypt customer data that we transmit.

Information submitted to is not disclosed or sold to third parties, and we do not record any sensitive personal data.

You always have the right to object to your data being recorded at Balcony Living Cph ApS. You also have the right to see the data recorded about you. You have these rights under the Danish Data Protection Act and enquiries in this context should be directed to the Balcony Living Cph ApS Data Controller.

When you use Klarna and Paypal as the provider of your checkout. We might transfer your personal data in the form of contact and order details to Klarna or Paypal when the checkout is loaded, in order for Klarna and Paypal to manage your purchase. Your personal data transferred is processed according Klarna’s own privacy notice and Paypal´s own privacy notice

Impressum was last updated on June 6th, 2022.